It may seem crazy, but, my hair deserves its own category. I sat down to write the Pink Highlight story tonight and couldn’t decide what category to put it into. Initially, I just knew I wanted to share the story. Then I remembered I should choose a category if I can. I thought about putting it into the “health” category. I do believe that having one’s hair “done” by the right person is very healing on a physical and mental level at the very least. I have as much, if not more, relief from a hair cut as I get from a massage or acupuncture treatment.
I could also have put it into the “gender” category. I have spoken or written about countless stories in the last several years about how I am treated by the general public, by anyone who doesn’t know me, depending on my hair. The length of it has had a great deal of power during different phases of my life. The cut of course. I have had a lot of styles. A lot. I have also had a lot of colors and the color also changes how people treat me. Eventually, I will share specific examples that back up my theory that people are nicer to me when I have wild colors in my hair.
I could write about my hair in the “family/friends” category as I value my hair person in my inner circle of support. I have a friend who referred to herself once as a “hair slut”. She goes to a different person every time she gets it cut. I am the opposite of this. I have to have complete trust and faith in whoever I am going to let touch my hair. It isn’t about their skills as a hair stylist either (although this is a bonus). Once I find the right person, I am devoted to them. I know that this is appreciated. And once they trust that I mean it when I say that they can do whatever they want… they are free to be creative. It also goes well when they understand that I won’t “cheat” on them and show up at the salon in someone else’s chair.
I have written one essay titled “Hair” and it is published on the Sexing the Political (STP) website. I am going to leave that one in the “Wollner’s Writing” category since it was published.
But I will write about my hair in its own category now and, over time, you will understand more clearly as to why it stands alone as a key topic in my life. Stay tuned for pink highlights…